Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday Night at the Cinema: Frankenstein!

It's Saturday night, and after we've scoured the used book store and had a bite at that restaurant that always puts tables together for our group, and the waiter always laughs patiently as we debate how to split up the bill, let's pop into our favorite movie house for a film. Tonight, we'll indulge in a century-old piece of genre cinema, the Edison Company's Frankenstein.

Although Thomas Edison is usually credited as a producer, my sources say that he had nothing to do with the film. This was the first film adaptation of the story, and was considered a lost film until the 1970s, when it was found in the archives of a private collector (who'd had it for years but had never watched it and didn't know what it was). It's wild to see how inventive this was, even by modern standards.

Well, the show's over; let's head down to the late-night cafe for some coffee or absinthe before we all go our separate ways, shall we?

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