Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Night at the Movies!

It's a rainy but warm Monday night; spring has come early to the city. After a quick meal at the usual restaurant, it's off to the movie theater for some classics.

First up is George Melies' 1909 bit of fun Le Locataire Diabolique, or The Diabolical Tenant.

And then...a rarity that few people have heard of: the obscure 1919 supernatural anthology film Unheimliche Geschichten, or Eerie Tales!

Be sure to watch all parts of it. I'm astonished that this film is so unknown; I just happened on it on Youtube and was utterly impressed by it. It's a shame that this is so unavailable...and for pity's sake, not discussed in any reference books. It's almost like it's a secret.

After the movie ends, we head off to our usual cafe for coffee and drinks and discussion...the rain continues to fall gently, and sidewalk is littered with fallen petals from the trees, and we leave a wake in the damp air as we go up the block....

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